La Casa Preschool

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At La Casa Preschool, We Learn Through Play

If you have an older elementary aged child, you may be aware of the recent AZMerit testing sections that have just been conducted.  Regardless of your opinion of such metrics, the quantitative results on these tests are viewed as indicators of your child's proficiency in different cognitive areas.

At La Casa, we are proud to have established our preschool program as having the correct balance of academic challenges that align with the social and emotional readiness to accept and attempt them.  The child that is emotionally ready, especially, is one that can meet a challenge with the ability to handle the success that comes from "getting it right" AND deal positively with the occasional,  inevitable unsuccessful times as well.  They need to be able to do both.  They need to be able to handle "risking" the unsuccessful times without giving up, to try again and learn from them, and then experience the pride of accomplishment in the future.  Building self-confidence is a maturation process; tearing it down can be instant and lasting.

Thank you for embracing our play based philosophy of teaching the children how to learn through play and meaningful activities that inspire thought, reasoning, problem solving, creativity, and self-worth. 

Gosh, all those things they will need to score HUGE on any AZMerit test thrown at 'em!!!  Destined for greatness all.

Weekly Prayer.... Dear Jesus, help us to remember that we are always open to learning.  Especially help us to keep our hearts and minds open to learning more about You and your unconditional love for each of us.  Amen.