La Casa Preschool

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Our La Casa Preschool Family

Very soon we will be welcoming all our families to Open House. Watch for a flyer to come home. The night proves to be such a great event for everyone! Once again, the theme is purposefully "Fifties" (aka 1950's), sparking an attempt to recapture the attitude of a much simpler time when bobby socks and sock hops were the norm. When families celebrated fun times together.

This just seems apropos for us here at La Casa. WE ARE A FAMILY!! And hope that in all we do, that feeling is imparted to you. Our blessings are so many, and each of "them" has a name .... Student …. Parent.... Sibling…. Teacher. Each is important. Each is treasured. Each is needed. Individually and collectively, all combine to make us a strong, happy La Casa family!

In keeping with the theme, we will be collecting packages of new WHITE SOCKS to be donated to those in need within our community. Kids4Kids, families for families. We hope that you will be able to join us on this evening. What's a party without family????

From the book, "Parent on Purpose", by Amy Carney....As parents, we must purposely lead not only with vision, and values, but with authority. Our "job" is to be a strong leader and authority figure who can confidently guide our child into adulthood. Decide to be the CEO of your home!

Weekly Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to show kindness and caring to all those I encounter. Help me to treat them with dignity so that they may feel their worth through my words and actions. Help me to always build others up and never tear them down.

In Your name I ask this and pray, Amen