Always Growing

Preschool Petting Zoo

The school year has been in full swing now for several weeks. With so many big fun things happening it is easy to get caught up in the excitement. There is definitely value in being present in the moment and enjoying this very precious time. It is so joyful to see happy children, learning and exploring and loving school at La Casa Preschool

It would be easy to miss the less noticed things that are happening with our children as well. Things that bring immense joy and pride to us, as teachers, and undoubtedly to you as parents. That is, simply: growing in their character. Good moral character is learned by example and our preschoolers are blessed with the best role models at home and here at school.  RESPECT is perhaps the most important foundational piece. Together, we are teaching the children to show respect to others. Respecting that each person has rights: albeit to a particular toy or the coveted place in line... you know, real world issues :).  Or respecting that we show gratitude to our friends and parents and teachers.  Or thanking our friend who holds the door for us, and those who bring us snack to share, or Miss Vicki for a piece of candy from her special drawer. Or remembering to make eye contact and thank the teachers at the end of the day for providing that great day and acknowledging the hard work that was so willingly and lovingly put into it.   Respect and be polite. Reflect and do what's right. Respect is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Well.....we've been looking. And we love what we are seeing in these wonderful little beings, our preschoolers, your children!!!! 

From the book, "Parent on Purpose", by Amy Carney......Parents, we must purposely prepare our children for the launch into adulthood now. Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child. The world needs confident, capable and compassionate adults strive to raise them. 

Weekly Prayer:  Dear Jesus, help me to be humble and respectful in all situations. Help me to turn the other cheek in the face of injustice and to pray for those who trespass against us. Amen